Week 3: Earthquakes

Earthquake in Argentina 

One of the strongest earthquakes that has happened in Argentina was in 1977, this happened in the San Juan Province region. It had the magnitude of 7.4 on the Richter scale. The tectonic plated shifted in a depth of 24km, which resulted with taking the lives of 70 people. 

The month of February itself has had more than 5 earthquakes. Can you only imagine how many there has been already in the year of 2023 or how many they will have throughout the whole year?

The list below will show one of the strongest earthquakes recorded in or around the country of Argentina in the past 2 weeks. 
  • February 7th, 2023 @8:12pm 
    • Magnitude 4.7: 81 km west of San Antonio de los Cobres at a depth of 186.89 km.
  • February 6th, 2023 @6:24 pm 
    • Magnitude 4.7: 114 km west of San Antonio de los Cobres at a depth of 198.16km.
  • February 5th, 2023 @7:31am
    • Magnitude 4.7: 93 km west of San Antonio de los Cobres at a depth of 179.29 km.
  • February 3rd, 2023 @11:00pm
    • Magnitude 4.2: 34km west-northwest of Mendoza at a depth of 51.08 km.
  • February 1st, 2023 @9:26pm
    • Magnitude 4.2: 34km southwest of Tingogasta at a depth of 172.77km.
  • Febuary 1st, 2023 @ 8:10pm 
      • Magnitude 4.1: 96km west of San Antonio de los Cobres at a depth of 211.22
Recent earthquakes in Argentina


  1. Nice research- what type/s of mitigation measures they have for earthquakes?

  2. Wow more than 5 Earthquakes already in February? That's pretty crazy. Experiencing earthquakes must just be a normal part of people's lives in Argentina, like not even a cause for concern for them. Cool post!

  3. Hi Fatima! It's pretty crazy the amount of earthquakes that have already occurred this month. I wonder if they are aware of them or not. Great job!

  4. Wow! This is crazy, I did not know Argentina has many earthquakes, especially frequent. With the many earthquakes they have, are citizens always prepared for when earthquakes hit?

  5. Hey Fatima that's really crazy how Argentina has had and is still having earthquakes quite frequently. How do they get to know the earthquakes happening do they have a certain way to notify the citizens or how do they let everyone know?


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